Proxy grabbed scoreboard slot 0

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2011-9-13 · i'm using mod_cluster in production but i'm having some 503. I tried replacing mod_cluster with mod_proxy_balancer and in such case i didn't have any 503 so i'm thinking to a misconfiguration of mod_cluster. My environemnt is composed by an instance of apache httpd ver. 2.2.19, and of 4 instances of tomcat 6.0.13 with mod_cluster 1.1.2.

Virtualmin Pro on Mac OS X Server? | Virtualmin 2019-5-1 · Has anyone here installed virtualmin pro on an os x server? I know that platform is not supported by the developers but I was just wondering if anyone knew if it could work (possibly with a little reconfiguring of course) and/or had done it. Apache Http Server : SSL Library Error: 336027803 error When you use mod_proxy with Apache/Tomcat, Apache handles the SSL transport. The actual tunnel from Apache to Tomcat (via mod_proxy) is done in clear text, not encrypted. Unless you're really paranoid or have set up a pretty questionable infrastructure, that's OK, since normally the Apache-to-Tomcat channel is either on the same machine (hence essentiall un-tappable) or at least behind the Apache 2.2 reverse proxy not working as expected? - Server Fault Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

[JBPAPP6-468] mod_cluster with AS7 does not listen to

redirect an internal IP from HTTP to HTTPS with Apache redirect an internal IP from HTTP to HTTPS ... util.c(1818): proxy: grabbed scoreboard slot 1 in child ... proxy: grabbed scoreboard slot 0 in child 6661 ...

hello, I tested with: Windows XP Professional (SP2) Apache httpd 2.2.4 (binary distibuted by ASF) and 2.2.6 compiled with VC8

iRedAdmin won't display, can't access (Page 1) — iRedAdmin ...

Multiple servers? | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

MaxRequestsPerChild 0 After i remove nginx and after httpdmng reconfigure all and reconfigure server every time i restart or graceful restart the httpd process i see 10 httpd.worker process (correctly like StartServers) and after a couple of second 7 were killed (defunct). Re: [modwsgi] OperationalError: ORA-03114: not connected to ... Although there was a version 3.1, there never was a 3.1.2 as I only started using 3 part version numbers with 4.1.0. If it is 3.1, which if it is Oracle Linux I wouldn't be surprised, then it was released 4 1/2 years ago and is way out of date. 0000857: "Undefined property" reported from static reference ... is about as self-contained I can make it but still two files. Afaik, to trigger the autoloading which reproduces the bug, the script needs to access a non-existant class but to pass it also needs to exist in the include path. Weird connections to Yahoo in apache error_log!? | cPanel Forums The Community Forums Interact with an entire community of cPanel & WHM users!